Friday 19 February 2016

Scottish Fortnight

In p7 have been learning about Robert Burns and his life we have been reading and writing about him, we learned that he was the eldest child of his siblings and he grew up on a farm and when he was 12 he got educated by a private tutor by the name of John Murdoch. Robert Burns was special as he could take one of the most simplest things and turn them into history.
It was an interesting topic and most people enjoyed it! Robert Burns is an author that writes poems! He can find the most simple thing and make it interesting! Robert Burns also made many famous songs such as,jamie come try me, my love is like a red red rose and ae found a kiss! some of his poems are called to a mouse, sweet afton and halloween! On Burns night people like to eat things like haggis and drink irn bru! During the topic we have: learned the poem “a sair finger”; 2 scottish songs, marie’s wedding and speed bonnie boat; and learning his history.